About Us

History of the Mat-Su Reentry Coalition  

The Mat-Su Reentry Coalition started as a committee formed within the Mat-Su Coalition on Housing and Homelessness (MSCHH) in April of 2012. The MSCHH determined there was a need to anticipate the housing needs of Goose Creek Correctional Center (GCCC) staff and inmate families, as well as the needs of releasing inmates that would be connected with the then soon-to-be-opened Goose Creek Correctional Center. 

Valley Charities applied for and received a Healthy Impact Grant with the Mat-Sue Health Foundation for FY15/16. This grant focused on providing case management, transitional housing, training, employment assistance, and then permanent housing for returning citizens. It has been shown that the first weeks of return are key to success in reducing recidivism.

In 2015, the Alaska Mental Health Trust provided four communities with a grant to hire a reentry coordinator. The Mat-Su was one of those communities and hired the coordinator for the Mat-Su Reentry Coalition (MSRC) in October 2015. The Trust has continued funding this position through FY20 and will hopefully fund for more years to come. 

The Mat-Su Reentry Coalition is a collaboration of individuals, community stakeholders, public and not-for-profit agencies, faith-based and business partners who are committed to reducing recidivism. The Reentry Coalition is led by an 8 to 15 member Steering Team.